
MDGAssist Product Suite

MDGAssist is a suite of business applications to help business actively participate in the master data maintenance efforts. Increased participation will result in successful implementations and better master data quality. The application works closely with SAP's MDG offering to fill any gaps in data maintenance and visualizations.

BP Visualizations

View a Graph of SAP Business Partner details and their relationships maintained in the MDG system. The view includes links to data quality metrics and transaction usage of the master data. 


The stake holders often times do not have a consistent view of the progress of a master data project. This tool bring together the MDG Architect, Data Steward, Implementor, PMO, Data Owner and Client Manager.


Wide open search of master data that business can configure to award search weightage to different data attributes.

Business Rules Accelerator

A WYSIWYG tool to build rules that are saved as JSON files. The library of rules can be used to generate implementation code in ABAP or BRFPlus rules. The library is effectively searchable as well as maintainable.

Dynamic Workflow

A maintainable flowchart of the workflow that  business can use to dynamically update and reroute requests.


Unique data comparison tool that lets business users compare duplicate matching records and effectively  de-dup.